I think I don't celebrate often enough. to put it differently, there are more opportunities to celebrate in my life than what I make good use of. I am a serious fun-seeker and I find the condition quite suboptimal. something in dire need for a fix.
allow me to elaborate.
when counted last, it was found that there were 33 crores (that's an astounding 330 millions) of gods and goddesses in Hindu religion. yet, I celebrate only a handful of them. some are celebrated for a few days, like Ganapati, Durga. adding these up, I celebrate for about 10 to 15 days a year. when we have about 10 gods/goddesses for every second of the year (one year == 31536000 seconds). this is a huge opportunity unexplored.
now a look at the other religions.
for some reason usually attributed to history (who is dead long ago and can't protest anyway) nobody in my family celebrates the Eid. that is, deny themselves two sumptuous feasts a year. this is clearly, insane.
of late, I've started eating cake on the Christmas day. however, haven't done anything colorful on the Easter day or numerous other feasts in the Christian calendar.
I think a revolution is needed to live the life of a true fun-seeker. however, I'll start small and vow to celebrate the Eid from the next year: smell the Biryani and chant:
to hell with the old wounds!
to hell with the leaders who don't inspire!
to hell with the businesses which squeeze life out of people!
Why is there only negativity in this article. You start with negativity and end with negativity. Celebration is state of mind, it is what you want to celebrate and why. If you are not inspired by people around you, do you have a list of people whom you are inspired with. If the answer is only gandhi and clinton etc, then u are out of luck my friend.
ReplyDeleteBe practical about what you want to do.
@anon if this article seems negative to you, may be you should fix your reading. you just haven't got it.